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Your Brain, Wine, and Cheese?

According to a 10-year Iowa State University study, these are two skills that worsen as you age. Researchers from Iowa State University tracked 1,789 people over a 10-year period and found that those who ate cheese and drank red wine daily had higher scores on...

Heaven: A World of Love

Here I remark that the God of love himself dwells in heaven. Heaven is the palace or presence ­chamber of the high and holy One, whose name is love, and who is both the cause and source of all holy love. God, considered with respect to his essence, is everywhere — he...

Can High Tech Machines Read Your Mind?

I had mounted a decorative rock onto a radio-controlled toy car’s chassis and connected the car’s motor to a wireless interface, that was in turn under the control of my brain. The experimental toy I was developing, called Rocky: The Rock That Rolls, did move forward...

Healthy Summer Popsicles

Rhubarb is one of those quintessential spring and summer vegetables: bright pink, bitter stalks that pair amazingly with strawberries. While rhubarb is known for its bright color and bitter flavor, its health benefits typically go unsung. It is packed with...

Grace for the Weary

The biblical view of man sees all people (except Christ) since Adam and Eve as born corrupt and therefore lacking in a desire to please God. No one is righteous (Rom. 3:9–18). In fact, this corruption exists from the moment of conception (Ps. 51:5), and we are happy...