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Vásquez Counseling & Consulting Psychology, PLLC

You are here because you need help. You are obviously not ready to give us a call and we can respect that. This blog is offered as a free resource so you can start thinking about your next step. Read on, rise above.


Why You Should Read Every Day

Before the electronic era, everyday reading was a ritual that almost everyone who wanted to gain knowledge adapted. The benefits of reading needed not to be reminded all the time... [keep reading]


Benefits of Swimming

No matter what your fitness level, the general benefits of swimming are yours to go out and grab and make your own. It has the power to give your muscles a makeover, transform you into a cardio king, turn back the clock, and calm you quicker than a secluded beach in...


Where Fruit Grows

Western Europe (and North America) is moving further and further from its moorings in a Christian view of life. Some are glad to see the back of what they might term ‘superstitious nonsense’... [keep reading]


Vásquez Counseling & Consulting Psychology, PLLC

Where Fruit Grows

Western Europe (and North America) is moving further and further from its moorings in a Christian view of life. Some are glad to see the back of what they might term ‘superstitious nonsense’... [keep reading]

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Why You Should Read Every Day

Before the electronic era, everyday reading was a ritual that almost everyone who wanted to gain knowledge adapted. The benefits of reading needed not to be reminded all the time... [keep reading]

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Benefits of Swimming

No matter what your fitness level, the general benefits of swimming are yours to go out and grab and make your own. It has the power to give your muscles a makeover, transform you into a cardio king, turn back the clock, and calm you quicker than a secluded beach in...

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Does God Change His Mind?

“The Glory of Israel will not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind” (1 Sam. 15:29; cf. Num. 23:19, NIV). These words of the prophet Samuel provide a straightforward reply to the question “Does God change His mind?” [keep...

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Dark Humor, Dark Personality

A new study published in the academic journal Psychology of Popular Media shows a strong connection between watching a lot of violent media, finding media violence humorous, and having dark personality traits... [keep reading]

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Summer Workout Challenge

Many people that focus on fitness consider the summer a peak time of the year. All of that hard work is dedicated to revealing how you look at the beach, get-together, or just being out and about. Some of you reading this may not feel like you’re ready to show off...

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Hope for the Prodigals

Let us learn never to despair of the salvation of anyone, as long as he lives. Fathers ought never to despair of prodigal sons. Mothers ought never to despair of self-willed, headstrong daughters. Husbands should never despair of wives, nor wives of husbands. There is...

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Trauma Is Not an Excuse

Trauma is any experience that overwhelms our ability to cope and undermines our sense of safety. Trauma can inspire powerlessness and hopelessness relative to our capacity to defend ourselves. It can rob us of the belief in our ability to heal, trust, live, and love...

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How Fit Are You?

You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But knowing the specifics can help you set realistic fitness goals, monitor your progress and maintain your motivation. Once you know your starting point, you can plan where you want to go... [keep reading]

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Is it unspiritual to be discouraged?

From time to time over the centuries some Christians have taught, sometimes with tragic consequences, that a truly spiritual person never gets discouraged. To be cast down is, by definition, to be “unspiritual.” Unless we are well-grounded in Scripture, it is very...

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6826 Springfield Ave., Ste 103A
Laredo, TX 78041

By appointment only
