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Vásquez Counseling & Consulting Psychology, PLLC

You are here because you need help. You are obviously not ready to give us a call and we can respect that. This blog is offered as a free resource so you can start thinking about your next step. Read on, rise above.


Dark Humor, Dark Personality

A new study published in the academic journal Psychology of Popular Media shows a strong connection between watching a lot of violent media, finding media violence humorous, and having dark personality traits... [keep reading]


Summer Workout Challenge

Many people that focus on fitness consider the summer a peak time of the year. All of that hard work is dedicated to revealing how you look at the beach, get-together, or just being out and about. Some of you reading this may not feel like you’re ready to show off...


Does God Change His Mind?

“The Glory of Israel will not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind” (1 Sam. 15:29; cf. Num. 23:19, NIV). These words of the prophet Samuel provide a straightforward reply to the question “Does God change His mind?” [keep...


Vásquez Counseling & Consulting Psychology, PLLC

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is one of those qualities that is difficult to define—because it encompasses so much—but which people generally recognize when they encounter it. And it is encountered most obviously in the realm of decision-making... [keep reading]

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The sweet danger of sugar

Sugar has a bittersweet reputation when it comes to health. Sugar occurs naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. Consuming whole foods that contain natural sugar is okay.... [keep reading]

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Fearing Fear Itself

On March 4, 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States. America was in the depth of one of, if not the most, severe economic depressions in its entire history. Almost a full quarter of the country’s workforce was unemployed,...

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Sleep Clears the Brain

Scientists and philosophers have long wondered why people sleep and how it affects the brain. Sleep is important for storing memories. It also has a restorative function. Lack of sleep impairs reasoning, problem-solving, and attention to detail, among other effects....

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Walking Workouts

In 2021, Mia Lind, 22, was inspired to create the Hot Girl Walk, a social media movement that encouraged girls to show off how good their walk — either on a treadmill or outdoors — makes them feel. She introduced the concept in early January and it quickly went viral...

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What is the Kingdom of God?

Since we understand that God is the Creator of all things, the extent of His realm must be the whole world. Manifestly, then, the kingdom of God is wherever God reigns, and since He reigns everywhere, the kingdom of God is everywhere... [keep reading]

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Reading Every Day

Reading is good for more than just entertainment. Committing part of everyday to reading printed books can make you a smarter, kinder, more relaxed individual. And the positive effects can be felt at any age... [keep reading]

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Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Research shows that intermittent fasting is a way to manage your weight and prevent — or even reverse — some forms of disease. But how do you do it? And is it safe?...

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The Origin of the Soul

Students of philosophy are well aware of the watershed significance of Immanuel Kant’s epochal work, The Critique of Pure Reason. In this volume Kant gave a comprehensive critique of the traditional arguments for the existence of God, wrecking havoc on natural...

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The Strategies of Categorization

Our mental ability to divide the complex world into categories makes our daily life much easier. But how do we categorize? What kind of stimulus properties do we assess? Researchers have come a step closer to answering these questions with the help of pigeons... [keep...

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6826 Springfield Ave., Ste 103A
Laredo, TX 78041

By appointment only
