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Why You Should Read Every Day

Before the electronic era, everyday reading was a ritual that almost everyone who wanted to gain knowledge adapted. The benefits of reading needed not to be reminded all the time… [keep reading]

Dark Humor, Dark Personality

A new study published in the academic journal Psychology of Popular Media shows a strong connection between watching a lot of violent media, finding media violence humorous, and having dark personality traits… [keep reading]

Trauma Is Not an Excuse

Trauma is any experience that overwhelms our ability to cope and undermines our sense of safety. Trauma can inspire powerlessness and hopelessness relative to our capacity to defend ourselves. It can rob us of the belief in our ability to heal, trust, live, and love...

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is one of those qualities that is difficult to define—because it encompasses so much—but which people generally recognize when they encounter it. And it is encountered most obviously in the realm of decision-making… [keep reading]

Sleep Clears the Brain

Scientists and philosophers have long wondered why people sleep and how it affects the brain. Sleep is important for storing memories. It also has a restorative function. Lack of sleep impairs reasoning, problem-solving, and attention to detail, among other effects....

Reading Every Day

Reading is good for more than just entertainment. Committing part of everyday to reading printed books can make you a smarter, kinder, more relaxed individual. And the positive effects can be felt at any age… [keep reading]